The first expansion in the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series released in February 2010, has 123 cards and 1 Alph Lithograph Card.The series introduced Pokemon Prime, a type of Pokemon, and Pokemon LEGEND, a classification of card. Pokemon Prime was more powerful than basic cards and featured a holofoil card border, gold foil name text and spikes on the border of the artwork window. The artwork for Pokemon Prime featured a close-up of the Pokemons face.
The top half and bottom half of each card in Pokémon LEGEND were dedicated to legendary Pokémon. When in play, they were treated as a single card, and both parts of the card had to be played simultaneously to the Bench. Pokémon LEGEND has two downsides to make up for its greater attacks and higher than normal HP. Only two of each half of the card can be used in a deck of 60 cards because both halves of the card have the same name and opponents would take two prize pokemon for defeating Pokemon LEGEND. Pokemon LEGEND were entirely Holofoil cards. There were only two LEGENDS that when defeated meant opponents would only take 1 Prize card, these were Lugia LEGEND #113 & Ho-Oh LEGEND #112 because the cards only have one Pokemon.
The borders for HGSS were changed to gold and silver,the evolution circle moved to the top left with a gold and gray circle. With a new graphic given to the name and HP strip, a new font for Stage and Pokedex Entry number.